Alex Alexander is a Massachusetts actor who spent most of her adult life in San Francisco & acted with many companies there. She is still an active member of the San Francisco Bay Area improv group Barewitness Films www.barewitness.com . Late August 2023 she will head back to California to compete in the 48 hour film festival with her wacky crew of talented folks. While having a blast they also hope to win more awards - 6 so far with 21 nominations!
Other than Barewitness projects, Alex's most recent film work was as a series regular in 3 seasons of Assigned Female At Birth . AFAB is a web series on you tube created by Lyralen Kaye from interviews with 32 trans, non-binary folks as well as cis women of all identities, races, abilities & ages. https://www.youtube.com/c/AnotherCountryTV/featured The pandemic brought other interesting online projects such as Hello, Again by Judy Lee in The Quick Quarantined Play Festival https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5fBPHyxBWE, a reading of Random Access Memory by Erin Lerch with TC Squared on VolumeUp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyRZv-cbhXM&feature=emb_logo, a TNT festival reading of No More Therapy by Lyralen Kaye and Amy West and a sci-fi podcast The Legion Tapes by Erin Lerch. https://www.thelegiontapes.com/
Alex’s first love is theatre (especially new works) and is so glad to be back on stage again. In November 2023 she will be performing with two other women in a 3 monolgue evening with Exiled Theatre called Hauntings I have Lived Through by James Wilkinson. She is really looking forward to creating with Exiled Theatre again after the success of The Wasteland. Most recent other projects include playing with Fresh Ink and Imaginary Beasts in The Boston Theatre Marathon and performing as Susanna in Blood, Water, Paint with Cappella Clausura. Alex was also seen as Diane/Edna in Pigeon House , Ibis in Shrike and Diane in Don't Give Up The Ship with Fresh Ink Theatre. She has also performed on the North Shore with Salem Theatre Company, Marblehead Little Theatre & Mugford Street Players. Although Alex has a passion for new works, a few favorite more traditional roles include Annie Sullivan from The Miracle Worker, Lizzie from The Rainmaker, Karen from Dinner with Friends, Marjorie from Extremities, Isabel from Romance In D and Bonfila from Slavs.
Alex studied acting in San Francisco & London and has a BA in Theatre from Hamilton College.
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